Author: rmsanger
Fall 2021 Registration List
Registered Teams
Looking For Partner
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Registration Form – Simgolf Fall 2021 GSPro Scramble
Form your two man teams for the Fall 2021 Simgolf GSPro 2 Man Scramble tournament.
The tournament will be a single elimination bracket challenge with teams seeded based on a seed round. Scoring will be match play for tournament rounds. In the event of a tie, the USGA Method (Last 9, 6, 3, 1) will be used to determine a winner. The tournament will start on September 20 with each round allocated 7 days to complete. Live play will be required with your partner (scramble format). Optional if you want to play your round as a foursome with your opponents. We do not have a way to capture scores online, so you be required to submit a screenshot of your scorecard to rmsanger.
Complete the registration form below to signup. Only one registration required per team. If you do not have a partner, you may sign up and we will assist in pairings.
GSP Scramble Bracket
Main Bracket
Alternative Winners Bracket
Seed Round Standings
Seed Round Scores
Rank | Team | Score |
1 (bye) | Bender/Raayz | 54 |
2 (bye) | niarchambault/MaximeGB | 56 |
3 (bye) | Bobchung/Srob | 57 |
4 (bye) | salty/stingreye | 58 |
5 (bye) | Kris_Kildow/tmhunt | 58 |
6 | Chet2142/Jonesie | 59 |
7 | Pikage/CW35 | 59 |
8 | cmckelvmi/LP3_Golf | 60 |
9 | RandomHero/mloga33 | 60 |
10 | sandhugolf/psgolfer | 60 |
11 | dscho32/EskimoQuinn | 61 |
12 | v8burble/Jase | 61 |
13 | Pnug777/gColetto | 61 |
14 | czwalga/Captain_Z | 63 |
15 | pinwolf/pinwolf_fitness | 63 |
16 | Triplebogeysrbetter/Gary G | 64 |
17 | inorkuo/iskuo | 64 |
18 | Dosdogs/Ole narcolepsy | 64 |
19 | birdie/Lblngsjd | 65 |
20 | tblecptn/LondonGolf | 65 |
21 | emveel/BlairJ | 65 |
22 | rmsanger/jwheels9876 | 66 |
23 | frodaddy00/Cruisin1966 | 67 |
24 | Daddio/brettskermetzger | 68 |
25 | Joemari72/Wyz11 | 69 |
26 | RJBoogie/Masonwalleye | 69 |
27 | Trickle007/Wonko | 73 |
28 | Zmax/Sandbagger07 | 90 |
Spring 2021 Kickoff
The Simgolf GSPro Spring 2021 2 Man Scramble will be a single elimination tournament with a pre tournament round to determine bracket seedings. All round will be gross stroke play. We do not have a way to enforce game settings, so this will be an on your honor tournament.

I am sure we will run into hiccups as we try this for the first time. Special rules will be in place in the event teams run into issues during tournament play and need to exit/resume. To reduce the number of issues, please make every effort to play against your opponents in a live online match.
All matches will be played as stroke play with no handicaps. For matches played live, please let @rmsanger know the winner of the match. For other matches, please submit a screenshot of the final scorecard. If you run into issues during gameplay and need to exit/resume, please capture the scorecard up to the last played hole. Start a new match and play the remaining holes. Send the screenshots of all scorecards and we will combine for a final score. To reduce risk of issues, it would be advised to capture a picture of the scorecard after each hole.
How to take a screenshot using Windows snipping tool.
In the event of a tie, the USGA Method (Last 9, 6, 3, 1) will be used to determine a winner. If the teams are still tied most birdies, most eagles or better, then fewest bogeys will be used to break the tie. In the unlikely event the teams are still tied, a coin flip will determine the winner.
Tournament Structure
The tournament will be 6 rounds long including the initial round used to determine bracket seeding. At the time of this article’s posting, there are 25 teams registered. An example bracket is shown below, where the top 7 teams from the seeding round will have a round 1 bye. After the seeding round is complete, the official bracket will be posted to the website.

Tournament Schedule
Round | Dates | Course | Tees |
Seeding | 3/1 – 3/7 | Scioto | Back (6612) |
1 | 3/10 – 3/14 | Bonville | Champ (6538) |
2 | 3/15 – 3/21 | GCNE | Back (6507) |
3 | 3/22- 3/28 | Copperhead | Tourn (6745) |
4 | 3/29 – 4/4 | Quail Hollow | Tourn (7014) |
Finals | 4/5 – 4/11 | PGA National | Tourn (6744) |
Round Settings
All rounds will use the following settings:
- Recipe: Default
- Pins: Easy
- Stimp: 10
- Gimmies (ft): 5
- Mulligan: No
- Fairway Firmness: Normal
- Green Firmness: Normal
- Wind: No Wind
- BLI enable: On
- Putting mode (new): Casual
- HLA Correction (new): Enabled
Seeding Round – Scioto

Round 1 – Bonville

Round 2 – Golf Club of New England

Round 3 – Copperhead

Round 4 – Quail Hollow

Finals – PGA National

Quinn Cup 2021 Feedback

Thank you for participating in the 2021 Quinn Cup! To help us make next year’s even better, please take a minute to provide your feedback using the following form.
Event 4 Matches
Match 49
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Issac Kuo (-3) | Inor Kuo (0) |
Match 50
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
mthunt (-1) | tmhunt (-3) |
Match 51
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Daddio (14) | Logjam (16) |
Match 52
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Masonwalleye (4) | bieler11 (6) |
Match 53
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Matt Loga (-6) | Raayz (-5) |
Match 54
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Gary Lambert (2) | Matthew Gill (5) |
Match 55
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Joemari72 (6) | Michael Porter (6) |
Match 56
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Stingreye (1) | Tim McDonald (2) |
Match 57
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Jason Luke (-3) | Gary G (-1) |
Match 58
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
JayJo (8) | Jason Simoneau (8) |
Match 59
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Chet Williams (4) | wyz11 (8) |
Match 60
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
rmsanger (9) | TripleBogeysRbetter (5) |
Match 61
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Deanocanuck (-2) | njvoelker (0) |
Match 62
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Robusan (0) | Paul Nugent (1) |
Match 63
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
dosdogs (-4) | Matthew Yokley (-5) |
Match 64
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Sam Matthews (1) | noonan (1) |
Match 65
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Wonko (3) | RyanOly (-2) |
Match 66
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Jonesie (-3) | japeru01 (-1) |
Match 67
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
gcoletto (-3) | v8burble (-3) |
Match 68
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
RyanB 17 (1) | Danraz14 (2) |
Match 69
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Wiscogolfnut (0) | Davy Davis (4) |
Match 70
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Captain Z (-2) | Ole Narcolepsy (-1) |
Match 71
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Fred Luck (-1) | Michael Hessel (-1) |
Match 72
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Kris Kildow (0) | bloynoys (-4) |
Match 73
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
RandomHero (-4) | birdie (-5) |
Match 74
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
steve czwalga (-5) | dscho32 (-4) |
Match 75
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
EskimoQuinn (-4) | Tblecptn (-3) |
Match 76
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Jwheels9876 (-6) | Robert Chung (-4) |
Match 77
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Bender (-7) | Lance McClaran (-4) |
Match 78
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Roger Dorn (-6) | LondonGolf (-5) |
Match 79
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Mookie Moyer (-6) | LP3Golf (-5) |
Match 80
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
MarcAndre (-9) | Nicolas Archambault (-8) |
Event 3 Matches
Match 33
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
RandomHero (-4) | Lance McClaran (-4) |
Matt Loga (-6) | Matthew Yokley (-5) |
Match 34
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Roger Dorn (-6) | Robert Chung (-4) |
Kris Kildow (0) | Inor Kuo (0) |
Match 35
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Bender (-7) | Nicolas Archambault (-8) |
Mookie Moyer (-6) | Raayz (-5) |
Match 36
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Gary Lambert (2) | v8burble (-3) |
Deanocanuck (-2) | Danraz14 (2) |
Match 37
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
EskimoQuinn (-4) | LP3Golf (-5) |
dosdogs (-4) | bloynoys (-4) |
Match 38
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
MarcAndre (-9) | birdie (-5) |
steve czwalga (-5) | dscho32 (-4) |
Match 39
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Masonwalleye (4) | Matthew Gill (5) |
Daddio (14) | Logjam (16) |
Match 40
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Issac Kuo (-3) | japeru01 (-1) |
Chet Williams (4) | Jason Simoneau (8) |
Match 41
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Jonesie (-3) | njvoelker (0) |
Wiscogolfnut (0) | tmhunt (-3) |
Match 42
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Jwheels9876 (-6) | LondonGolf (-5) |
Jason Luke (-3) | Tblecptn (-3) |
Match 43
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
JayJo (8) | bieler11 (6) |
rmsanger (9) | wyz11 (8) |
Match 44
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
gcoletto (-3) | Ole Narcolepsy (-1) |
Captain Z (-2) | Paul Nugent (1) |
Match 45
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Stingreye (1) | noonan (1) |
Sam Matthews (1) | TripleBogeysRbetter (5) |
Match 46
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Fred Luck (-1) | RyanOly (-2) |
mthunt (-1) | Michael Hessel (-1) |
Match 47
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Wonko (3) | Davy Davis (4) |
Joemari72 (6) | Michael Porter (6) |
Match 48
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Robusan (0) | Tim McDonald (2) |
RyanB 17 (1) | Gary G (-1) |
Event 2 Matches
Match 17
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Jason Luke (-3) | Tblecptn (-3) |
Daddio (14) | Logjam (16) |
Match 18
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Roger Dorn (-6) | LP3Golf (-5) |
mthunt (-1) | Gary G (-1) |
Match 19
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Jwheels9876 (-6) | Raayz (-5) |
Wonko (3) | Tim McDonald (2) |
Match 20
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Kris Kildow (0) | RyanOly (-2) |
Sam Matthews (1) | Davy Davis (4) |
Match 21
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
steve czwalga (-5) | Robert Chung (-4) |
Fred Luck (-1) | Inor Kuo (0) |
Match 22
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
EskimoQuinn (-4) | dscho32 (-4) |
rmsanger (9) | TripleBogeysRbetter (5) |
Match 23
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Matt Loga (-6) | Matthew Yokley (-5) |
Mookie Moyer (-6) | LondonGolf (-5) |
Match 24
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Wiscogolfnut (0) | Michael Hessel (-1) |
JayJo (8) | wyz11 (8) |
Match 25
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Bender (-7) | birdie (-5) |
Gary Lambert (2) | bieler11 (6) |
Match 26
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
dosdogs (-4) | bloynoys (-4) |
Masonwalleye (4) | Danraz14 (2) |
Match 27
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Stingreye (1) | njvoelker (0) |
Joemari72 (6) | Jason Simoneau (8) |
Match 28
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Robusan (0) | v8burble (-3) |
RyanB 17 (1) | Matthew Gill (5) |
Match 29
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
RandomHero (-4) | Ole Narcolepsy (-1) |
Jonesie (-3) | Lance McClaran (-4) |
Match 30
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
Captain Z (-2) | japeru01 (-1) |
Deanocanuck (-2) | noonan (1) |
Match 31
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
MarcAndre (-9) | Nicolas Archambault (-8) |
Issac Kuo (-3) | Paul Nugent (1) |
Match 32
Team Eskimo | Team TbleCptn |
gcoletto (-3) | tmhunt (-3) |
Chet Williams (4) | Michael Porter (6) |