Commoners Cup Live Scoring

Team Summary

Event Summary

Event 4 Details

Event 3 Details

Event 2 Details

Event 1 Details

Commoners Cup

Round Schedule

Round 1 –Monday Nov 15 – Sunday Nov 2 – Fourball
Round 2 –
Monday Nov 29 – Sunday Dec 5 – Hi-Low
Round 3 –
Monday Dec 6 – Sunday Dec 12 – Low-Total
Round 4 –Monday Dec 13 – Sunday Dec 19 – Singles

Event Details

All rounds are match play events. Rounds 1, 2, and 3 will be a two-man format. Round 4 is individual play. Captains will release pairing priors to each round. Each match is worth 1 point. Team with the most points after round 4 is declared the winner.

Rules and Settings

Protee interface 4.3.1 is required
No Boost is allowed
Straight Putt – ON or OFF
6 Foot Gimmies or less
Short Chip Correction – On or OFF
Green Settings – any

Live Play & Posting Scores: It is encouraged that all rounds be played live with your teammate and/or opponent when possible. In order for the automatic scoring system to work all rounds must be fully played and completed in game for the scores to post online. For matches that are conceded before the 18th hole is finished, all competitors must still finish by playing out or conceding every remain hole in game.

Course Selection and Settings

Heritage at Ibis by Friendbomber will be used in the Commoners Cup Society

Course Conditions Teebox Pin Green Speed Green Firmness Terrain Firmness
Round 1Blue – 63732ModerateSoftModerate
Round 2White – 58564ModerateSoftModerate
Round 3Blue – 63733ModerateSoftModerate
Round 4White – 58561ModerateSoftModerate

Scoring Format Descriptions

Round 1 -Fourball: Captains will select 2 team members to form a pairing that will compete against the opposing team. Each competitor plays the round individually but only the better individual score per team is used on each hole. After each hole, the best scores of both teams are compared and the team with the lowest score wins the hole. Repeat for each hole until the match ends.

Round 2 – Hi-Low: Captains will select 2 team members to form a pairing that will compete against the opposing team. Each hole the teams compare their respective lows balls, and their respective high balls, and earn one point each for the better low and high balls on each hole. Both teammate’s scores are used so it is important that both competitors’ hole-out and do not concede the hole.  Team with the most points at the end of the match is the winner.

Round 3 – Low-Total: Captains will select 2 team members to form a pairing that will compete against the opposing team. Each hole the teams compare their respective lows balls, and their combined team score, and earn one point each for the better low and low combined score on each hole. Both teammate’s scores are used so it is important that both competitors’ hole-out and do not concede the hole.  Team with the most points at the end of the match is the winner.

Round 4 – Singles: Captains will pair competitors from each team to compete head-to-head.  After each hole, both scores are compared. The competitor with the lower score wins the hole (If tied, the hole is halved).