Author: rmsanger
Spring 2022 TGC2019 Two-Man League Signup
Form your two man teams for the 2022 Spring TGC2019 Two-Man League
Complete the registration form below to signup. Only one registration required per team. If you do not have a partner, you may sign up and we will assist in pairings.
Registered Teams
Looking For a Partner
SimCup Live Scoring
Team Summary
Event Summary
Event 4 Details
Event 3 Details
Event 2 Details
Event 1 Details
Commoners Cup Live Scoring
Team Summary
Event Summary
Event 4 Details
Event 3 Details
Event 2 Details
Event 1 Details
Commoners Cup
Round Schedule
Round 1 –Monday Nov 15 – Sunday Nov 2 – Fourball
Round 2 –Monday Nov 29 – Sunday Dec 5 – Hi-Low
Round 3 –Monday Dec 6 – Sunday Dec 12 – Low-Total
Round 4 –Monday Dec 13 – Sunday Dec 19 – Singles
Event Details
All rounds are match play events. Rounds 1, 2, and 3 will be a two-man format. Round 4 is individual play. Captains will release pairing priors to each round. Each match is worth 1 point. Team with the most points after round 4 is declared the winner.
Rules and Settings
Protee interface 4.3.1 is required
No Boost is allowed
Straight Putt – ON or OFF
6 Foot Gimmies or less
Short Chip Correction – On or OFF
Green Settings – any
Live Play & Posting Scores: It is encouraged that all rounds be played live with your teammate and/or opponent when possible. In order for the automatic scoring system to work all rounds must be fully played and completed in game for the scores to post online. For matches that are conceded before the 18th hole is finished, all competitors must still finish by playing out or conceding every remain hole in game.
Course Selection and Settings
Heritage at Ibis by Friendbomber will be used in the Commoners Cup Society
Course Conditions | Teebox | Pin | Green Speed | Green Firmness | Terrain Firmness |
Round 1 | Blue – 6373 | 2 | Moderate | Soft | Moderate |
Round 2 | White – 5856 | 4 | Moderate | Soft | Moderate |
Round 3 | Blue – 6373 | 3 | Moderate | Soft | Moderate |
Round 4 | White – 5856 | 1 | Moderate | Soft | Moderate |
Scoring Format Descriptions
Round 1 -Fourball: Captains will select 2 team members to form a pairing that will compete against the opposing team. Each competitor plays the round individually but only the better individual score per team is used on each hole. After each hole, the best scores of both teams are compared and the team with the lowest score wins the hole. Repeat for each hole until the match ends.
Round 2 – Hi-Low: Captains will select 2 team members to form a pairing that will compete against the opposing team. Each hole the teams compare their respective lows balls, and their respective high balls, and earn one point each for the better low and high balls on each hole. Both teammate’s scores are used so it is important that both competitors’ hole-out and do not concede the hole. Team with the most points at the end of the match is the winner.
Round 3 – Low-Total: Captains will select 2 team members to form a pairing that will compete against the opposing team. Each hole the teams compare their respective lows balls, and their combined team score, and earn one point each for the better low and low combined score on each hole. Both teammate’s scores are used so it is important that both competitors’ hole-out and do not concede the hole. Team with the most points at the end of the match is the winner.
Round 4 – Singles: Captains will pair competitors from each team to compete head-to-head. After each hole, both scores are compared. The competitor with the lower score wins the hole (If tied, the hole is halved).
Qualifying Standings
Standings for the Simgolf Cup Qualifying are in the table below. Each round shows the score and points won for the round (score/points). Players with three or more completed qualifying rounds have total points highlighted in green. Reminder, you need at least 3 qualifying rounds to compete in either the Simgolf Cup or Commoners Cup.
Protected: H&B Weekly Scoring
GSP Fall 2021 Tournament Bracket
Seed Round Scoring
Seed Round Scores
GSPro Scramble Kickoff
The Simgolf GSPro Fall 2021 2 Man Scramble will be a single elimination tournament with a pre tournament round to determine bracket seedings. All tournament rounds after the initial seeding round will be match play. We do not have a way to enforce game settings, so this will be an on your honor tournament. To reduce the number of issues, please make every effort to play against your opponents in a live online match.

All matches will be played as match play with no handicaps. For matches played live, please let @rmsanger know the winner of the match. For other matches, please submit a screenshot of the final scorecard to @rmsanger. If you run into issues during gameplay and need to exit/resume, please capture the scorecard up to the last played hole. Start a new match and play the remaining holes. Send the screenshots of all scorecards and we will combine for a final score. To reduce risk of issues, it would be advised to capture a picture of the scorecard after each hole.
How to take a screenshot using Windows snipping tool.
In the event of a tie, the USGA Method (Last 9, 6, 3, 1) will be used to determine a winner. If the teams are still tied most birdies, most eagles or better, then fewest bogeys will be used to break the tie. In the unlikely event the teams are still tied, a coin flip will determine the winner.
Tournament Structure
The tournament will be six rounds long including the initial round used to determine bracket seeding. There are 24 teams registered, which means the top eight teams will receive a first round bye. An example bracket is shown below, where the top eight teams from the seeding round will have a round one bye. After the seeding round is complete, the official bracket will be posted to the website.

Tournament Schedule
Round | Dates | Course | Tees |
Seeding | 9/20 – 9/26 | Whistling Straits | Green (6579) |
1 | 9/27 – 10/3 | Bandon Dunes | Blue (6554) |
2 | 10/4 – 10/10 | The Old Course | Black (6699) |
3 | 10/11 – 10/17 | TPC Scottsdale | Blue (6614) |
4 | 10/18 – 10/24 | Cabot Links | White (6470) |
Finals | 10/25 – 10/31 | Cypress Point | Tourn (6463) |
Round Settings
All rounds will use the following settings:
- Recipe: Default
- Pins: Thursday
- Stimp: 10
- Gimmies (ft): 5
- Mulligan: No
- Fairway Firmness: Normal
- Green Firmness: Normal
- Wind: No Wind
- BLI enable: On
- Putting mode: Casual
- HLA Correction: Enabled (optional)
Seeding Round – Whistling Straits
Round 1 – Bandon Dunes
Round 2 – The Old Course
Round 3 – TPC Scottsdale
Round 4 – Cabot Links
Finals – Cypress Point